Launching Holter Communications

Launching Holter Communications

Chapter 1


My career keeps evolving, and with every step, I learn something new. Sometimes what NOT to do is more important than what TO do.


Being home with my kids for 18 years was definitely the thing to do at the time, yet didn’t come without a price and a massive gap in my career movement. I wouldn’t change a thing about it, though.  Going back to work at the age of 46, freshly divorced and six kids depending on me, that was definitely a thing TO do. And boy, did I get lucky. Dream job in the world of food co-ops, organic farms, marketing, recipes, photo shoots, television segments, business startups, grant programs, events and meetings and a million other things. A dream job that became even dreamier as I strode into my own confidence.


All good things come to an end, and last year, I took a leap up in my career to Marketing Director at a non-profit and learned how to ask better questions and keep my eyes wide open. The largest takeaway from the last 12 months has been, if I am not around people – creative, energetic, noisy, diverse people – I’m going to get restless and be unfulfilled.


So then I did what every rational woman who, at the age of 51 with five kids still at home, would do. I quit my job and started my own communications business. That’s a thing, right? I see lots of people working freelance, contract, gig-economy jobs. I’ll give it a go. Quite simply, it’s really the next thing.


I’m sticking with my dream of writing a book one day, but that may be sooner than much later now. I’m also excited to just write more in general, and interact with creative people, solve problems, promote others, tell stories and in the process, work on telling my own.


Turns out, it’s just the next chapter.


My kids are exceptionally proud of me, and I cannot ask for any better praise or encouragement than that.



Sun Sailor Column: Leading from the Middle